Marin County Bee Census Survey 2009-2014

Thank you for everyone – all 123 of you – who participated in the 2014 survey!  Together we are tracking the population dynamics of our honey bees and figuring out what’s working….and what’s not:

2014 Marin Bee Census Results

A few notable statistics:


* Losses are holding around the same rates.  Annual loss average over the 6 survey years = 44.1%

2009:    39%

2010:    52.1%

2011:    52.7%

2012:    41.4%

2013:    39.4%

2014:    40.0%


* Going local:  The trend continues for sourcing bees locally. These numbers come from the number of colonies acquired each by early season swarms, hive splits, colonies from local bee keepers, local nucs :

2009:     55.3%

2010:     43.6%

2011:     42.7%

2012:     49.7%

2013:     65.5%

2014:     75.8%


* Hive splits / division:  Thanks to increasing education and the Split Squad, the number of local beekeepers who are splitting their hives has increased substantially since the survey started in 2009.

2011:  36.8%

2012:  51.1%

2013:  56.5%

2014:  57.7%


*  The number of beekeepers who actually report acquiring hives through hive splits / division has reflected this:

2009:   1 beekeeper (out of 46 respondents, 2.2%) with 4 splits

2010:   5 beekeepers (out of 87 respondents, 5.7%)  with 21 splits

2011:  11 beekeepers (out of 76 respondents, 14.5%) with 27 splits

2012:   33 beekeepers (out of 92 respondents, 35.9%) with 81 splits

2013:   35 beekeepers (out of 138 respondents, 25.4%) w/ 119 splits

2014:  41 beekeepers (out of 123 respondents, 33.3%) w/ 146 splits


* For the first time since the survey began, more beekeepers reported NOT sharing extracting equipment (54% vs. 46% who reported sharing extracting equipment).


* Despite concerns over the spread of small hive beetle (SHB) into Marin, statistically those reporting seeing SHB in their colonies has remained about the same.   (This doesn’t mean beekeepers should not be on the look out – and we anticipate this number will increase in the 2015 survey for hives between 4/1/14 – 3/31/15.)


* Losses for those who treat their hives (primarily with formic acid) have remained lower than those who do not.  Oxalic acid is increasingly being used by those who treat for mites.  Powdered sugar is not being used as frequently:  down to #2 respondents reporting using from #17 reporting it’s use in 2010.



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